Engineering Everywhere - EiE
STEM Certified Educator

EiE Out of School Time: Engineering Everywhere®

Certified Teacher Educator

Engineering Everywhere (EE) creates exciting out-of-school-time activities and experiences that allow all 6-8th grade learners to act as engineers and engage in the Engineering Design Process. The goal is to positively impact children’s attitudes about their ability to engineer by providing materials uniquely appropriate for the varied landscapes of out-of-school-time settings.

Through EE units, kids will learn that:

  • they can use the Engineering Design Process to help solve problems.
  • engineers design technologies to help people and solve problems.
  • they have talent and potential for designing and improving technologies.
  • they, too, are engineers.

As kids work through their engineering design challenges, they will have the opportunity to build problem-solving, teamwork, communication, and creative thinking skills. Most importantly, this curriculum is designed to provide a fun learning opportunity for kids!

Examples of Units:

Interested in learning more about Engineering Everywhere?

Contact Marie.