Engineering in Science

The engineering design process is applicable in all the natural sciences and other content areas; it is interdisciplinary.

The E in STEM: Engineering Design Process

With my in-depth training and use of NASA resources, and as a certified instructor in Engineering is Elementary program, I have great knowledge in the application of the engineering design process.

Program Description

In both the NGSS and the South Dakota Science Standards, there is an emphasis on engineering and technology within the context of the natural sciences. The reason for this is two-fold –to reflect the importance of the human-built world and to recognize the value of integrating the teaching and learning of science, engineering and technology.

Workshop Description

This highly engaging workshop provides hands-on experiences in the engineering design process using household materials. Using creativity to solve engineering challenges, participants explore ways students can apply science and math in meaningful ways in ALL content areas. Understanding that participants may not always teach STEM content, the challenges are set up in a way that they are applicable to multiple content areas. Participants will leave with tools they can immediately use in their setting.

Comments from participants:

  • My “take away” is to include more “you figure it out” group activities.
  • Not to be afraid to let kids go! Don’t feel like I have to pre-teach every concept. Let them explore/investigate.
  • The hands on activities were so much fun and gave us a better understanding of the process.
  • The workshop opened my eyes to bringing science into my other content areas.
  • Allows for more collaborating and more options.
  • Saw connections with math practices and standards.
  • I thought that because it is not part of the content I teach I would be bored, but it was great!
  • STEM is cross curricular.
  • It is engaging and practical tools for classroom use.
  • I just really acquired a new way of looking/thinking about science and teaching science.

Interested in learning more about Engineering in Science?

Contact Marie.