Tagged #Inservice

Why Do I Do What I Do

Let’s start at the beginning. I always knew that education was a going to be part of my life in some shape, way or form. Playing school was a past time in my childhood.  On a regular basis I would help the teachers.  Heck, in high school I even gave up my study hall to help the chemistry teacher.  And then, when I was in college, during the aerobic dance craze (yes, I offered aerobic dance classes to the community), I thought seriously about opening a fitness center; BUT, I remained in the teacher education program because that would be something I could “fall back” on if the fitness center idea did not come to fruition.

My first job out of college was at St. Joseph’s Indian School, and I have continued to “fall back” on education for 40 years.  The fitness center idea went to the wayside as I came to realize that education was where my heart belonged.  Over the years the type of education I provided varied, from the classroom, to GED, to workforce development, to healthcare to university.  It was education in some shape, way or form.  Eventually my journey led me to becoming an education consultant with a primary focus on professional development for educators.

And this is a passion – I simply want to help others, especially educators, to be the best at what they do; to be more than the average teacher, to being an awesome teacher, whether it is in the formal or informal setting.  And that is why I do what I do.

I enjoy finding ways to encourage teachers to reach beyond expectations!  I challenge teachers to push past what is comfortable when it comes to their teaching.  Let me be clear. I do not want educators to think that what they are doing is wrong, or not good.  I want to provide affirmation that what they are doing is good, but at the same time challenge them to reflect on what they are doing and ask “Is there a way I can take what I am doing and make it even better?” “Is it time for me to try something different?” “To tweak something?”

I thoroughly enjoy collaborating with the educators as we learn from each other.  I am there to learn just as much from them as they are there to learn from me, and each other.  I have a desire to hear about their insights, their joys, and their challenges.  It is an honor to learn from them as they share what they are doing in the classroom, best practices, encouraging stories, or lesson plans.

In order to grow, whether professionally or personally, we need to challenge ourselves to some degree on a regular basis.  We all know that challenging oneself is not always easy.  And that is why I do what I do – I am there to be a collaborator, inspirer, supporter, encourager and confidence builder as I help educators to become the best they can be.