Lava Layering

STEM Professional Development for Informal Educators: Takeaway One

This is the first in a series of posts on takeaways in facilitating STEM professional development for informal educators.

  1. Informal educators are up to the challenge of learning STEM

For many of the informal educators, STEM was not something they were comfortable teaching. Consequently, STEM was not regularly included in their programs. One of the reasons for their anxiety was due to their personal experiences when learning STEM during their K-12 school years. Understanding the importance of STEM in today’s work world and the need to regularly include it in their program, they came ready to address their anxiety of teaching STEM. They became active learners as they accepted the challenge of learning STEM by doing and thinking STEM; learning from their failures and their successes. They laughed at themselves, challenged each other, and had many “aha” moments. It was awesome to see their excitement – and their confidence – grow as they experienced STEM.

Next: Just doing or learning?