Grant Writing

Grant Writing = Remodeling: Master Plan

There are many things that need to be done before starting the actual remodeling. The first is a master plan. In developing the master plan, we identified our “mission, vision, and goals”. Fortunately, Kevin took some drafting classes in college. Using good old fashion drafting equipment, Kevin drew our master plan. As we were designing the remodel, our “mission, vision and goals” were modified several times. After many weeks of drawing, erasing, and re-drawing, we finally came up with a design of what the remodeled house would look like when we finished. The draft was a visual of our “mission, vision and goals”. Next, we broke it down into phases or projects. Phase One: Kitchen and Deck; Phase Two: Siding and Windows; Phase Three: Bedrooms; Phase Four: Sun Room and Living Room

The master plan for the house is similar to the strategic plan of an organization – its overarching mission, vision, and goals. An organization has to have a well laid out plan of its purpose, where it is going and how it is going to get there before it can even think about applying for grants. Grantors want to know how the project/program (phases from above) for which you are requesting funds fits into the larger picture of the organization – its strategic plan. If your organization does not have 3-5 year strategic plan, that is the first thing you need to do before seeking grants.

Next: Is it a linear process?