Grant Writing = Remodeling!

This is the second of a series of posts comparing grant writing to house remodeling.

Just as an organization brainstorms what it would like to accomplish on a regular basis, Kevin and I over the years regularly shared ideas of how we would like to remodel the house, some reasonable and some a bit outlandish. Our house is a basic ranch built in the late ‘70s. Some of the many ideas included adding another level, converting the garage to a living room, adding a large addition to the back of the garage, taking down walls, among other things. Finally, we focused on our needs and the resources available to us.

Organizations do the same thing. They start thinking of all the things they would like to do if they had unlimited resources. Then reality sets in and they have to decide what needs they are trying to meet, and the available resources. Although we know there are limited resources, it is still very important to think about those “outlandish” ideas. One never knows where those ideas will lead; it could lead to the start of a creative solution to a need of the clients the organization serves.

Stay tuned for the next comparison; Hint: Do you have a clear vision?