My Portfolio

Summer of Innovation

As of November 2013, over 2,500 youth, grades 4-9 have participated in South Dakota’s Summer of Innovation program and over 200 informal, formal and pre-service educators have participated in its professional development.

To learn more about the program contact Marie or go to Summer of Innovation | NASA.

SD Summers of Innovation

Program Coordinator

Program Description: 

SD Summers of Innovation is a dynamic program that uses NASA’s vast resources to challenge educators and youth to “Imagine it! Explore It!” Do It” through a variety of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) hands-on experiences. The program offers STEM professional development and youth camps that spark the curiosity, creativity, enthusiasm, and courage centering on NASA’s mission of research and discovery.

Key Partners:

SD Discovery Center
SD Space Grant Consortium
SD 21st Century Learning Center Program
South Dakota School of Mines
South Dakota State University, College of Engineering
Augustana College
The Journey Museum
McKinley School 21st Century Community Learning Center

Duties as the program coordinator:

  • Organized and facilitated over 20 professional development workshops for both formal and informal educators across the state.
  • Brought in four NASA curriculum specialists to assist with professional development.
  • Worked with NASA specialists to provide a free webinar series featuring NASA curriculum.
  • Complied with all reporting requirements of the grant program.
  • Assisted educators in developing and implementing STEM camps for youth.
  • Developed collaborative partnerships among the SD Discovery Center, SD Space Grant Consortium, SD 21st Century Learning Center Program and Sites, South Dakota School of Mines, South Dakota State University, College of Engineering, SD Robotics Association, The Journey Museum, and Dakota Players.